10 tips to fight insomnia

  1. Go to bed only when you fall asleep, not because it's time to go to bed. Learn to recognize signs of sleep such as low temperature (shudder) or alertness, or even blurred vision.
  2. Adopt a relaxing routine before going to bed. Promote relaxation (for example, taking a bath, doing reading or yoga).
  3. Establish a calm and comfortable sleep environment with limited distractions (noise, light, temperature). A cool room promotes a good sleep. Block the light as much as possible.
  4. Avoid foods, drinks and medications that may contain stimulants. For example, coffee and nicotine are stimulants of the central nervous system. Do not consume caffeine (coffee, tea and soft drinks) at least six hours before going to bed.
  5. Avoid alcohol before going to bed. It is a depressant of the central nervous system that can promote sleep, but also cause awakenings in the middle of the night and reduce the effectiveness of sleep.
  6. Exercise regularly, but do it in the morning or in the afternoon. Overtraining is not recommended.
  7. Avoid heavy meals before going to bed, they prolong digestion and prevent body temperature from falling. Do not eat spicy or sweet at least four hours before going to bed. A light snack is enough to prevent the feeling of hunger during the night.
  8. Avoid drinking before going to bed so that you do not feel like going to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
  9. Use the bed only for sleep or for privacy. Do not eat, do not read and do not watch television in bed. Do not do bed problem solving. It is recommended that the room be a place of rest, avoid making it a place of work or entertainment.
  10. Avoid naps late in the afternoon or in the evening. If your need for sleep is too great, limit the nap to 10 to 20 minutes before 3 pm This duration is enough to feel rested, and short enough not to interfere with nighttime sleep.

(Sources: Canadian Sleep Society, Sleep Clinic, University Hospital of Montreal) 

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